Life in the Promised Land was not easy for the Israelites. They had to fight many wars against fierce enemies such as the Philistines.
Saul was King of Israel during the war against the Philistines. At first he was a good leader, but he was also a proud man. Gradually he listened less and less to what God told him. Instead he began to do the things he wanted to do,in his own way.
God was very disappointed with Saul. He decided that none of Saul's sons would be King when their father died. God wanted David to be the next King of Israel.
David was only a humble shepherd boy, but he knew that God had chosen him for something special. He often spoke to God while he looked after his
sheep on the lonely hillside.
David was sometimes away from home for weeks at a time.He followed the sheep wherever they went, protecting the flock from wild animals which lived in the hills. He learned how to use a sling to hurl stones at bears and lions. He was very brave and he became so skilful with his sling that he never missed.
David could also play the harp well, and sometimes went to Saul's
palace to play for the King. Saul liked the young shepherd, and David's
music soothed the King when he felt sad or angry.
David had seven brothers, three of whom had gone to fight with
Saul. One day David's father,Jesse, sent him on a journey.
‘I want you to take some food to your brothers,’Jesse told David.‘Bring me back news of how the war is going. Tell one of the servants to look after your sheep.’
The next day David packed some food and set out across the hills.
When David reached the Israelite camp, he found the army drawn up in lines ready for battle.Everyone looked very frightened.David found his brothers and asked them what was happening.
‘Look over there and you will see,’replied one of them, called Eliab, pointing towards the Philistine soldiers gathered on the other side of the valley.
David saw two men standing in front of the Philistine army. One of them was a giant, nearly twice as tall as David and three times as broad. He was dressed in bronze armour and carried a long spear.The other man was almost hidden behind the huge shield he carried.
‘The giant is Goliath,’Eliab explained.‘And the other man is his shield-bearer.’
Suddenly the giant began to speak.
‘Who will fight me?’he roared,in a voice that thundered
across the valley.‘We can settle this battle at once. If your champion beats me, we Philistines will become your slaves. If I win, you Israelites will be our slaves.’
The Israelites stayed silent.Goliath gave a snort of disgust and strode away.
‘The King has offered a huge reward to anyone who will fight
Goliath,’Eliab explained.‘But none of us is mad enough to take up the challenge.’
‘But any of you could fight him and win,’protested David.‘God would help you.’
The soldiers laughed.
‘If you are so brave why don't you go?’they jeered.
‘I will,’replied David.
King Saul heard the laughter which ran through the Israelite army when David spoke these brave words.He ordered David to be brought to him.
‘Your majesty,’said David,kneeling in front of the King.‘I will fight Goliath. God will protect me.’
‘You are much too young,’protested Saul.‘You may be good at playing the harp, but you've never fought a battle.’
‘I have killed many fierce lions and bears which have attacked my sheep,’retorted David.
Saul was impressed by David's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath.
Saul offered his own sword and armour to David. But the sword was so heavy, David could hardly lift it. And when he put on the bronze armour, he found that the weight of it prevented him from walking even a single step!
‘This is no good,’said David,laying down the sword and taking off the armour.‘I must fight in the way I know best.’
So David left the King, carrying only his shepherd's stick, his sling and a small leather bag. He walked bravely towards the Philistine army. On his way he crossed a small stream. He stopped there for a moment to pick five smooth, round stones out of the clear water.
As David slipped the stones into his bag, he saw Goliath coming towards
him. He watched the giant stop, and heard him roar out his challenge.
David moved closer until Goliath noticed him.
‘Have you come to fight me,boy,’sneered Goliath,‘or to beat me like a dog with that little stick? Come any closer and the birds will soon be pecking at your dead body.’
Then the giant threw back his head, and laughed and laughed.
‘You have only your sword and spear to fight me with,’replied David, calmly.‘I have the power of the Lord God helping me.Soon the whole world will know how God and Israel defeated you.’
As he spoke these brave words,David reached into his bag and took out a stone. He loaded his sling, and began to whirl it round his head.
Goliath was so busy laughing that he did not see David let go of one end of the sling. He did not see the stone fly like a bullet towards him. He did not feel the stone strike him on his forehead,the one part of his body which was not covered by armour.
Goliath stopped laughing as the stone hit him. He fell to the ground, stunned.
David ran forward. He pulled Goliath's sword from its sheath and cut off the giant's head.
The horrified Philistines gave a shout of terror. Realising that their champion was dead, they fled. The Israelites cheered and rushed after them.
Thanks to David, the Israelites won a great victory over the Philistines that day. And ,just as God had planned, when Saul was killed in battle a few years later,David became King of Israel.