When God made the world, it was a good and beautiful place.But soon people found ways of being cruel to each other, and of disobeying God. God tried to make the people want to be good again, but the only person who listened to him was Noah. So God knew that he must find a way of ending all the wickedness.
‘I am going to send a flood,’God said to Noah.‘It will cover the whole of the earth and destroy all living things. But you and your family will be safe. I want you to build an ark, a big boat of strong wood. Line and cover it with tar to keep out the water. And make it big enough to carry two of every kind of animal and bird, so that they too can be safe.’
Noah did exactly as God said. First he collected all the materials he needed.
Then he cut the wood to the measurements God had given him.
At last he began to build. He built the ark to look just as God had described.
Everyone who saw Noah hard at work wondered what he was doing. When he told them, they laughed.
Noah explained that God was angry and that he was going to send a flood which would cover the whole of the earth and destroy all living things. He tried to persuade the people to say sorry to God for all the bad things they had done. But no one listened.
Noah spent a long time building the ark until, one day, he was able to lay down his tools.The ark was finished. But there was still work to be done. Food had to be gathered, and all the animals and birds collected. Noah and his wife, and their three sons and their wives all worked hard. At last, everything was ready.
‘You have done well, Noah,’said God.‘Now it is time to go into the ark with your family and all the animals. The rain will begin in one week's time.’
When Noah and his family and all the animals were safely inside the ark, God shut the door.
Soon the rain began to fall, as God had said it would. It fell night and day, without stopping. The water rose, and the huge ark tossed on the swell of the waves. But Noah had done his work well. The ark was safe and watertight.
The water rose higher and higher until it covered the whole of the earth. Even the tops of the highest hills could no longer be seen. There was nothing but water all around.
But God had not forgotten Noah and his family. After forty days the rain stopped, and a strong wind began to blow. Noah was glad to hear the wind, for it would help to dry the ground.
Slowly, the flood waters fell and the tops of the highest hills could be seen once more. The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. Noah and his family were glad to feel the ground beneath them again. But it was not yet time for them to leave the ark.
For six weeks, Noah and his family and the animals waited.Then Noah sent a raven out from the ark to see if there was enough dry land to settle on. But the raven was so glad to be free that he stayed outside, circling in the
air, and did not return.
Noah then sent a dove out from the ark, but she returned that same night.
Noah waited another week,then sent the dove out again. This time she returned carrying an olive leaf in her beak. Noah and his family were very excited, for this mean that the trees could be seen and were growing once more.
Noah waited one more week, then sent out the dove for a third time.She did not come back. Now Noah was sure that there was enough dry land to settle on.
Noah raised the ark's huge roof, and daylight streamed in.
Then God spoke to Noah.
‘The flood is over,’God said.‘You may now leave the ark.’
Everyone was happy to be out in the fresh air once more.The animals scampered across the grass, and the birds sang as they soared into the clear blue sky.
Straightaway, Noah built an altar of stones. He and his family knelt down and thanked God for keeping them safe during the terrible flood and for giving them a fresh start in a new world.
God blessed Noah and his wife.He blessed their sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives, too.
‘Go out into the world,’said God.‘Care for the earth, and for the creatures in it. I promise that never again will I send a flood, or destroy all living things. For as long as the earth lasts, I will send you day and night,heat and cold,summer and winter.I will sent you a season for sowing crops and a season for harvesting. And to remind you of this promise, I will send a sign. Whenever it rains, a rainbow will appear in the sky.Look at the rainbow, and remember my promise.’
God kept his promise.After every shower of rain, just as the sun burst through the clouds, a beautiful rainbow would appear in the sky. As Noah and his wife and their three sons and their wives looked at the rainbow's sparkling colours, they remembered God's promise to them, and his goodness.